How to shift your client's behaviour towards sustainability

This week I came across a comprehensive literature review paper on what works and what doesn't work when trying to shift people's behaviour towards sustainability. The geek with taped glasses in me jumped for joy... but because I'm also a visual learner I thought: this NEEDS to be a poster for quick reference.
So here it is (just click on the picture below to download it in PDF format)... right now exclusively for you, beloved newsletter subscriber... 💚
What I love about this framework is that it includes all the key influencing factors on human behaviour (social influence, habits, individual attitudes, feelings and tangibility) in a neat acronym (SHIFT) - don't we all love a good acronym?!
Note: nowhere it says: "Throw one more fact or percentage at your client and they will immediately start listening to you."
Human behaviour is much more complex than that.
I have elaborated on the paper and added the techniques that, in my experience, work best when influencing others.
A practical tip: before your next meeting, take a look at the suggested techniques in the poster and see whether you can put together a pitch strategy.
Don't forget past tips on how to get to know your client first!
This will help you choose and tailor the right techniques for the specific client.
This article was originally written for the Green Gorilla weekly newsletter. If you liked it, subscribe to receive more articles like this and learn how to communicate sustainability better, how to be more productive without selling your soul to the work devil, and how to make an impact in the world. Here is the link: