Blossoming in the forest

What are the benefits of outdoor coaching?

A lot of research demonstrates a long list of benefits of coaching sessions outdoors as opposed to via Zoom.

The top three benefits include: 

1. Walking outside and detaching ourselves from our usual workplace for a few hours, slowing down and giving us a break from technology and commitments lower stress and make us think deeply and creatively.

- Lots of great thinkers, from Einstein to Darwin to Virginia Wolf, used to go on long walks before sitting down to work. 

- Being outdoors and walking allows the brain to rest and recharge, and encourages blood flow which helps bring oxygen to it.

- In the context of coaching, this is a key benefit: you will think more deeply and in an environment that is conducive to it.

2. Nature is your real coach.

- Try a silent walk in which the sounds and the sights from nature inspire the best answers to a question we set out at the beginning. This happens without fail and it's incredibly powerful

3. We are nature.

- But we spend over 90% of our days indoors. That's the real tragedy that is causing us to become increasingly detached from nature, and as a consequence, to ignore her signs of distress. As sustainability and change-making champions, we need to reconnect with Her. For our own physical and mental well-being, and to allow us to carry out our purpose.

And  the best time of year is during Spring, the time of rebirth, and a new opportunity to evaluate our life. 

 This article was originally written for the Green Gorilla weekly newsletter. If you liked it, subscribe to receive more articles like this and learn how to communicate sustainability better, how to be more productive without selling your soul to the work devil, and how to make an impact in the world. Here is the link:

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