Pushing the edge of your comfort bubble

This week I did two things I'd never done before.

The first one was to deliver a workshop about BREEAM (the environmental assessment method for buildings) to a steel manufacturer.

I initially felt unsure about it, since I am focusing more on people than sustainable buildings these days. But then I remembered that I spent 12 years working for BRE, the organisation that created this method; sometimes I forget what I know and what I'm capable of. 

In fact, one delegate's feedback was that the course was exactly what they needed and that the course delivery was "perfect".

The second new thing was that I joined a cold swimming membership club and swam for the first time in water that was about 7 degrees C.

Before plunging I felt scared and when I was in, I felt like thousands of piranhas had attacked my body. 

But afterwards... I felt amazing.

Bottom line is... you NEED to push the edge of your comfort zone. 

It's not an option if you want to grow as a human being. And that little voice in your head that says you'll never be able to do it? 

It's there to protect you from change, but change is a fact of life and a necessity. So gently invite The Voice to shut up and do what you need to do.

 This article was originally written for the Green Gorilla weekly newsletter. If you liked it, subscribe to receive more articles like this and learn how to communicate sustainability better, how to be more productive without selling your soul to the work devil, and how to make an impact in the world. Here is the link: https://newsletter.thegreengorilla.co.uk/

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