Could Nature become your CEO?

When Apple hired Octavia Spencer to be Mother Nature and sit at their boardroom table as a stakeholder in their 2030 status report video, many people thought it was cringe, others loved it (I loved it).

Now, the idea that Mother Nature could actually be legally sitting at a company decision-making table as the CEO or at least, as a key stakeholder, has become not only a great promotional idea but a reality. has recently launched a campaign to do just that: enable Nature to become a director, shareholder, advisor or just inspiration for companies to do the right thing. 

They have put together an onboarding kit to help companies do that, and the advantages, as you can imagine, go from encouraging employees to consider Nature’s voice in all their decision-making to influencing the strategic direction of companies so that they become regenerative. 

But the bottom line, and what you can do in all your endeavours including in your everyday life, is to ask a simple question when facing a decision: 

"What would Nature say?"

 This article was originally written for the Green Gorilla weekly newsletter. If you liked it, subscribe to receive more articles like this and learn how to communicate sustainability better, how to be more productive without selling your soul to the work devil, and how to make an impact in the world. Here is the link:

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