Your language matter

I've been reflecting on the role of language in creating our circumstances.

You might think this is a load of BS, but stay with me here: when we say we are fighting climate change, tackling biodiversity loss, being eco-warriors... we are implying we are at war. We are implying the only desperate measures we have available are to use all our strengths to fight blindly, shooting in the dark, killing whoever is against us and other horrible scenes that are very present in our common conscience due to the terrible current state of affairs in many areas of the world.

I don't know about you, but the very thought of it makes me shiver. Instead of energising me, it saps my energies. 

I DON'T want to fight. I DON'T want to channel my anger against the Big Oil into violence. This kind of language and action does not belong to me. 

Does that mean that I don't care? No, it means that I still believe there is a better way forward - a collaborative, positive way forward that excites me and energises me when I think about it.

If we can focus our thoughts, energies and words to build a regenerative future, we can think long-term, more clearly and innovatively. 

Focusing on the status quo and the fight only brings up sadness, desperation, short-sightedness and division - which are the very things we want to avoid!

No, we are better than that. 

And our efforts will be more effective if we collectively change our language - fear as a trigger for action cannot be sustained for a long time without negative consequences for our individual and collective mental health.

What do you think?

 This article was originally written for the Green Gorilla weekly newsletter. If you liked it, subscribe to receive more articles like this and learn how to communicate sustainability better, how to be more productive without selling your soul to the work devil, and how to make an impact in the world. Here is the link:

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