Building up a business case for sustainability

You know I like to work with people instead of against them and co-create results...

But sometimes, you have to combine soft skills, empathy and listening, with some solid logical arguments to sway people to adopt sustainability: you have to build the business case for sustainability. 

When I worked as a sustainability consultant in construction, most of what I heard was: "If you build a sustainable building, it's going to save you money during its operational phase!"

But guess what, that is not something a developer (who builds buildings to sell them immediately) cares about. Why would they care about some potential advantages that will realise when they have already moved on to the next project?

That's why is so important to understand your audience's needs and wants: you'll be able to tailor your influencing arguments to what they need and want (which hopefully overlap...).

So here it is, a (hopefully handy) guide to the main kinds of benefits of sustainability - independently from the sector.


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