My word for 2025


My 2025's word is EASE. 

It has been a while since I set some New Year's resolutions - not because I don't believe in them, but because I prefer to set a direction rather than have specific goals in most areas of my life. That way I know I'm making progress without necessarily being rigid about what I want to achieve and set myself up for failure. So last year, for the first time, I decided that I wanted a word for the year: I decided that 2024 was going to be all about TRUST - in the universe and my capabilities. The byproduct of it was that I intentionally focused more on my spirituality and creativity.

And guess what? 

I did it.

I wrote my book The Good Communicator (get your copy HERE), I learned how to use Procreate and how to do digital drawings, I designed and printed a 40-card self-help deck for my daughter's birthday - you can see that below (who knows, it might become a product in the future); I started meditating more regularly and deliberately using my intuition to guide my life. 


It has worked brilliantly for me.

I want to let go of struggle, and I want to welcome abundance, prosperity, blossoming relationships and a business that is truly a joy to run. Like flowers in the field do not need to do much to flourish every spring, I want to build upon the trust of last year and make my life flow.

Will see how that works out for me!

Now, if you are struggling to come up with a word, these reflections can be aided by a tool I used last year that worked as a treat to focus my attention on some aspects of my life that needed tending. You just need to rate yourself from 1 to 10 on each of these areas and see which ones you can focus on more this year and how. You can find it below again.



Let me know what is your word, I'd love to provide some accountability for you!


 This article was originally written for the Green Gorilla weekly newsletter. If you liked it, subscribe to receive more articles like this and learn how to communicate sustainability better, how to be more productive without selling your soul to the work devil, and how to make an impact in the world. Here is the link:

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