If you have worked with me in the past, or followed me on LinkedIn, you'll know I'm a stubborn optimist.
I work in the sustainability industry and hang on to the last bit of hope that we can change things with all my might.
I can see the hope fading rapidly in sustainability professionals' eyes, but it doesn't have to be like this.
Hope and positivity give new blood to your career and to your motivation.
The lack of either can take you down a slippery slope... and you don't want to go there.
So I always start any new coaching programme with strengths.
I ask my client to carry out a strengths test (this is free and quite accurate) to find out what are their character strengths.
These are the things that make you, you.
The abilities that are natural to you and give you energy (as opposed to depleting it), from being analytical to creative to coaching others.
Focusing on what you bring to the party before looking at any gaps can give you a much stronger foundation and renewed confidence. That means being able to tackle the challenges that this industry throws at you like Popeye would.
If you need any help interpreting what those strengths actually mean to you and how to apply them to your life, just reply with STRENGTHS and I'd be happy to help (for free).